Sabtu, 23 Juni 2012

Boyfriend oleh: Ashlee Simpson

oleh: Ashlee Simpson

Ha, Ha, Ha,
Ha, Ha, Ha,

Whatcha been doin'? Whatcha been doin?
Whoa, Whoa,
Haven't seen ya 'round,

How you been feelin'? How you been feelin'?
Whoa, whoa,
Don't you bring me down,

All that shit about me,
Being with him,
Can't believe,
All the lies that you told,
Just to ease your own soul,
But I'm better than that,
No, you don't have my back,
No, No, HA


Hey, how long till the music drowns you out?
Don't put words up in my mouth,
I didn't steal your boyfriend,
Hey, how long till you face what's goin' on,
Cause you really got it wrong,
I didn't steal your boyfriend,

Well I'm sorry,
That he called me,
And that I answered the telephone,
Don't be worried,
I'm not with him,
And when I go out tonight,
I'm going home alone,
Just got back from my tour,
I'm a mess girl for sure,
All I want is some fun,
Guess that I'd better run,
Hollywood sucks you in,
But it won't spit me out,
Whoa Whoa, HA


Hey, how long till the music drowns you out?
Don't put words up in my mouth,
I didn't steal your boyfriend,
Hey, how long till you face what's going on?
Cause you really got it wrong,
I didn't steal your boyfriend,
Hey, how long till you look at your own life,
'Stead of looking into mine,
I didn't steal your boyfriend,
Hey, how long till you're leaving me alone,
Don't you got somewhere to go?
I didn't steal your boyfriend,

Whoa, whoa, whoa ha
Whoa, whoa, whoa ha

Please stop telling all your friends,
I'm getting sick of them,
Always starrin' at me like I took him from ya'


Hey, how long till the music drowns you out?
Don't put words up in my mouth,
I didn't steal your boyfriend,
Hey, how long till you face what's going on?
Cause you really got it wrong,
I didn't steal your boyfriend,
Hey, how long till you look at your own life,
Instead of looking into mine,
I didn't steal your boyfriend,
Hey, how long till you're leaving me alone,
Don't you got somewhere to go?
I didn't steal your boyfriend,

Whoa, whoa, whoa, ha,
Whoa, I didn't steal your boyfriend,
Whoa, whoa, whoa, ha,
Whoa, I didn't steal your boyfriend

Why !

Why, do you always do this to me?
Why, couldn't you just see through me?
How come, you act like this
Like you just don't care at all

Do you expect me to believe I was the only one to fall?
I could feel I could feel you near me, even though you're far away
I could feel I could feel you baby, why

It's not supposed to feel this way
I need you, I need you
More and more each day
It's not supposed to hurt this way
I need you, I need you, I need you
Tell me, are you and me still together?
Tell me, do you think we could last forever?
Tell me, why

Hey, listen to what we're not saying
Let's play, a different game than what we're playing
Try, to look at me and really see my heart

Do you expect me to believe I'm gonna let us fall apart?
I could feel I could feel you near me, even when you're far away
I could feel I could feel you baby, why

It's not supposed to feel this way
I need you, I need you
More and more each day
It's not supposed to hurt this way
I need you, I need you, I need you
Tell me, are you and me still together?
Tell me, you think we could last forever?
Tell me, why

So go and think about whatever you need to think about
Go ahead and dream about whatever you need to dream about
And come back to me when you know just how you feel, you feel
I could feel I could feel you near me, even though you're far away
I could feel I could feel you baby, why

It's not supposed to hurt this way
I need you, I need you
More and more each day
It's not supposed to hurt this way
I need you, I need you, I need you
Tell me

It's not supposed to hurt this way
I need you, I need you
More and more each day
It's not supposed to hurt this way
I need you, I need you, I need you
Tell me, are you and me still together?
Tell me, do you think we could last forever?
Tell me, why

Jumat, 15 Juni 2012

Materi Presentasi

1.      Pengertian Etika Profesi
Kata etik (atau etika) berasal dari kata ethos (bahasa Yunani) yang berarti karakter, watak kesusilaan atau adat. Sebagai suatu subyek, etika akan berkaitan dengan konsep yang dimilki oleh individu ataupun kelompok untuk menilai apakah tindakan-tindakan yang telah dikerjakannya itu salah atau benar, buruk atau baik. Menurut para ahli maka etika tidak lain adalah aturan prilaku, adat kebiasaan manusia dalam pergaulan antara sesamanya dan menegaskan mana yang benar dan mana yang buruk. Perkataan etika atau lazim juga disebut etik, berasal dari kata Yunani ETHOS yang berarti norma-norma, nilai-nilai, kaidah-kaidah dan ukuran-ukuran bagi tingkah laku manusia yang baik

2.      Pengertian Profesi

Istilah profesi telah dimengerti oleh banyak orang bahwa suatu hal yang berkaitan dengan bidang yang sangat dipengaruhi oleh pendidikan dan keahlian, sehingga banyak orang yang bekerja tetap sesuai. Tetapi dengan keahlian saja yang diperoleh dari pendidikan kejuruan, juga belum cukup disebut profesi. Tetapi perlu penguasaan teori sistematis yang mendasari praktek pelaksanaan, dan hubungan antara teori dan penerapan dalam praktek.

Kode etik profesi adalah pedoman sikap, tingkah laku dan perbuatan dalam melaksanakan tugas dan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Kode etik profesi sebetulnya tidak merupakan hal yang baru. Sudah lama diusahakan untuk mengatur tingkah laku moral suatu kelompok khusus dalam masyarakat melalui ketentuanketentuan tertulis yang diharapkan akan dipegang teguh oleh seluruh kelompok itu.

Nilai-nilai etika itu tidak hanya milik satu atau dua orang, atau segolongan orang saja, tetapi milik setiap kelompok masyarakat, bahkan kelompok yang paling kecil yaitu keluarga sampai pada suatu bangsa. Dengan nilai-nilai etika tersebut, suatu kelompok diharapkan akan mempunyai tata nilai untuk mengatur kehidupan bersama.

Salah satu golongan masyarakat yang mempunyai nilai-nilai yang menjadi landasan dalam pergaulan baik dengan kelompok atau masyarakat umumnya maupun dengan sesama anggotanya, yaitu masyarakat profesional. Golongan ini sering menjadi pusat perhatian karena adanya tata nilai yang mengatur dan tertuang secara tertulis (yaitu kode etik profesi) dan diharapkan menjadi pegangan para anggotanya.

Sorotan masyarakat menjadi semakin tajam manakala perilaku-perilaku sebagian para anggota profesi yang tidak didasarkan pada nilai-nilai pergaulan yang telah disepakati bersama (tertuang dalam kode etik profesi), sehingga terjadi kemerosotan etik pada masyarakat profesi tersebut. Sebagai contohnya adalah pada profesi hukum dikenal adanya mafia peradilan, demikian juga pada profesi dokter dengan pendirian klinik super spesialis di daerah mewah, sehingga masyarakat miskin tidak mungkin menjamahnya

Prinsip-prinsip etika profesi
Prinsip-prinsip etika profesi
1. Tanggung Jawab Terhadap pelaksanaan pekerjaan itu dan terhadap hasilnya.
2. Tanggung Jawab Terhadap dampak dari profesi itu untuk kehidupan orang lain atau masyarakat pada umumnya.
2. Keadilan. Prinsip ini menuntut kita untuk memberikan kepada siapa saja apa yang menjadi haknya.
3. Otonomi. Prinsip ini menuntut agar setiap kaum professional memiliki dan di beri kebebasan dalam menjalankan profesinya.
Beberapa faktor penyebab pelanggaran Etika:
1. tidak berjalannya control dan pengawasan dri masyarakat
2. Kurangnya iman dari individu tersebut.
3. rendahnya pengetahuan masyarakat mengenai substansi kode etik  pada setiap bidang, karena buruknya pelayanan sosialisasi dari pihak prepesi sendiri
4. belum terbentuknya kultur dan kesadaran dari orang tersebut.
5. tidak adanya kesadaran etis da moralitas dari orang tersebut.
6. kebutuhan individu
7. tidak ada pedoman hidup dari individu tersebut
8. perilaku dan kebiasaan individu yang buruk sehingga menjadi sebuah kebiasaan
9. lingkungan tidak etis mempengaruhi individu tersebut melakukan sebuah pelanggaran.
10. Kurangnya sanksi yang keras atau tegas di Negara kita tentang pelanggaran kode etik
Etika Profesionalisme IT

Ciri-ciri Profesionalime yang harus dimiliki oleh seorang IT berbeda dari bidang pekerjaan yang lainnya. Ciri-cirinya adalah sebagai berikut :

1. Memiliki kemampuan / keterampilan dalam menggunakan peralatan yang berhubungan dengan bidang pekerjaan IT Seorang IT harus mengetahui dan mempraktekkan pengetahuan IT-nya ke dalam pekerjaannya.
2. Punya ilmu dan pengalaman dalam menganalisa suatu software atau Program.
3. Bekerja di bawah disiplin kerja
4. Mampu melakukan pendekatan disipliner
5. Mampu bekerja sama
6. Cepat tanggap terhadap masalah client.

contoh ciri - ciri profesionalisme di bidang IT adalah :

1. Keterampilan yang berdasar pada pengetahuan teoretis
Profesional diasumsikan mempunyai pengetahuan teoretis yang ekstensif dan memiliki keterampilan yang berdasar pada pengetahuan tersebut dan bisa diterapkan dalam praktek.

2. Asosiasi profesional
Profesi biasanya memiliki badan yang diorganisasi oleh para anggotanya, yang dimaksudkan untuk meningkatkan status para anggotanya. Organisasi profesi tersebut biasanya memiliki persyaratan khusus untuk menjadi anggotanya.

3. Pendidikan yang ekstensif
Profesi yang prestisius biasanya memerlukan pendidikan yang lama dalam jenjang pendidikan tinggi.

4. Ujian kompetensi
Sebelum memasuki organisasi profesional, biasanya ada persyaratan untuk lulus dari suatu tes yang menguji terutama pengetahuan teoretis.

5. Pelatihan institutional
Selain ujian, juga biasanya dipersyaratkan untuk mengikuti pelatihan istitusional dimana calon profesional mendapatkan pengalaman praktis sebelum menjadi anggota penuh organisasi. Peningkatan keterampilan melalui pengembangan profesional juga dipersyaratkan.

6. Lisensi
Profesi menetapkan syarat pendaftaran dan proses sertifikasi sehingga hanya mereka yang memiliki lisensi bisa dianggap bisa dipercaya.

7. Otonomi kerja
Profesional cenderung mengendalikan kerja dan pengetahuan teoretis mereka agar terhindar adanya intervensi dari luar.

8. Kode etik
Organisasi profesi biasanya memiliki kode etik bagi para anggotanya dan prosedur pendisiplinan bagi mereka yang melanggar aturan.

9. Mengatur diri
Organisasi profesi harus bisa mengatur organisasinya sendiri tanpa campur tangan pemerintah. Profesional diatur oleh mereka yang lebih senior, praktisi yang dihormati, atau mereka yang berkualifikasi paling tinggi.

10. Layanan publik dan altruisme
Diperolehnya penghasilan dari kerja profesinya dapat dipertahankan selama berkaitan dengan kebutuhan publik, seperti layanan dokter berkontribusi terhadap kesehatan masyarakat.

11. Status dan imbalan yang tinggi
Profesi yang paling sukses akan meraih status yang tinggi, prestise, dan imbalan yang layak bagi para anggotanya. Hal tersebut bisa dianggap sebagai pengakuan terhadap layanan yang mereka berikan bagi masyarakat.
Sumber :

Sumber :
Pengacara atau yang biasa dikenal dengan istilah asingnya adalah Lawyer adalah orang yang yang melakukan pekerjaan jasa bantuan hukum termasuk konsultan hukum yang menjalankan pekerjaannya baik dilakukan di luar pengadilan dan atau di dalam pengadilan bagi klien. Seorang pengacara harus membela kasus dari orang lain baik orang itu benar atau salah. Pengacara harus membela klien mereka berdasarkan etika profesi tertera sebagai seorang pengacara.
Adapun etika profesi pengacara tersebut adalah:
Kepribadian Seorang Pengacara
1. Seorang pengacara dalam melakukan pekerjaanya haruslah menjunjung tinggi hukum, kebenaran dan keadilan.
2. Pengacara haruslah bersedia memberi nasehat dan bantuan hukum kepada setiap orang yang memerlukannya tanpa membeda-bedakan kepercayaan, agama, suku, jenis kelamin, keturunan, kedudukan sosial dan keyakinan politiknya.
3. Seorang pengacara dalam melakukan pekerjaannya bekerja dengan bebas dan mendiri tanpa pengaruh atau dipengaruhi oleh siapapun.
Secara jujur harus diakui, bahwa pengembangan etika profesi hukum di Indonesia kurang berjalan dengan baik dalam dunia hukum kita. Banyak pelanggaran etika profesi yang tidak mendapat penyelesaian secara tuntas, bahkan terkesan didiamkan. Lembaga semacam dewan atau majelis pertimbangan, profesi yang bertugas menilai pelanggaran etika masih belum berwibawa di mata para anggotanya. Kondisi demikian menyebabkan bahan kajian etika profesi hukum di Indonesia menjadi sangat kering dan berhenti pada ketentuan-ketentuan normatif yang abstrak. Padahal, kajian ini pasti akan lebih menarik jika dibentangkan bersama. Contoh kasus nyata yang dihadapi para fungsionaris hukum kita. Munculnya berbagai organisasi profesi sejenis dengan kode etiknya sendiri-sendiri, semakin mengurangi nilai kajian ini di mata orang-orang yang mempelajari etika profesi hukum.

Untuk melihat secara rinci kode etik profesi seorang pengacara yang telah ditetapkan oleh Ikatan Advokat Indonesia (IKADIN) dapat di-download pada:


Etika jurnalistik juga terkait dengan profesi kewartawanan. Seorang wartawan adalah seorang profesional yang memiliki kebanggaan profesi dan akan dipertahankan dengan cara apapun serta akan melindungi citranya dari berbagai gangguan dan ancaman yang akan merusaknya. Etika yang terkait dengan atribut profesional wartawan, yaitu sebagai berikut. Adanya otonomi. Otonomi tersebut dimaksudkan sebagai kebebasan mengatur diri sendiri dalam melakukan pertimbangan dan menetapkan keorganisasian.
Komitmen. Menitikberatkan pada pelayanan, bukan keuntungan ekonomi semata untuk kepentingan pribadi. Keahlian. Menjalankan suatu jasa dan kewajiban berdasarkan keterampilan intelektual dan pelatihan pengetahuan yang sistematik. Tanggung jawab. Kemampuan memenuhi kewajiban-kewajiban berdasar penerapan suatu kode etik.
Beberapa etika warnawan :
1.      Wartawan Indonesia menempuh cara-cara yang profesional dalam melaksanakan tugas jurnalistik.
2.      Wartawan Indonesia tidak menulis atau menyiarkan berita berdasarkan prasangka.
3.      Wartawan Indonesia menghormati hak narasumber tentang kehidupan pribadinya, kecuali untuk kepentingan publik

Study Kasus

Kasus Luna Maya yang mengejek para wartawan infotainment dalam status twitternya telah mengundang kemarahan para wartawan infotainment. Mari kita lihat kronologis tayangan : LM keluar dari gedung bioskop sambil menggendong Alea, kemudian para wartawan sudah berkumpul di depan pintu karena pada saat itu LM sedang bersama keluarga Ariel. LM menggendong Alea menuju mobil sambil berkata kepada wartawan yang menghalanginya, “Sebentar ya mas, saya bawa Alea dulu ke mobil… Nanti kita bicara di ruang lobby.” “Kasian kan mas ada anak kecil disini, tolong ya mas-mba.” Namun sayangnya ada salah satu kamera yang menyenggol kepala Alea, dan jelas sekali wajah LM kesal pada saat itu. Dari sini kita bisa simpulkan pelanggaran apa yang terjadi. Sumbur :
Study Kasus 2
Pengacara Rosa Langgar Etika Profesi Advokat
Kamis, 23 Februari 2012 | 06:01 WIB

JAKARTA, — Praktisi hukum Adnan Buyung Nasution menyarankan kepada organisasi advokat untuk memberi sanksi atas dugaan pelanggaran etika yang dilakukan pengacara Mindo Rosalina Manulang, Achmad Rifai, yang mengunjungi rumah tahanan untuk menemui Nazaruddin. Kunjungan itu, kata Buyung, merupakan pelanggaran etika profesi.
"Itu pelanggaran etika profesi, tabu dilakukan. Tabu, karena satu sama lain (Rosa-Nazaruddin) sedang saling berperkara," kata Adnan Buyung kepada wartawan. Jakarta, Rabu (22/2/2012).
Apalagi, Mindo Rosalina adalah mantan anak buah Nazaruddin yang banyak tahu terkait kasus wisma atlet yang kasusnya sedang berjalan. Mau tak mau, Buyung menegaskan, organisasi advokat, tempat Rifai bernaung, harus memeriksanya sebagai bentuk pertanggungjawaban kepada publik.
"Saya sayangkan. Mengapa kepolisian maupun kejaksaan seolah tutup mata terhadap pelanggaran etika itu, membiarkan para pengacara itu melakukan pertemuan dengan Nazaruddin di selnya
Belajar dari kasus kunjungan inilah, sudah waktunya Mahkamah Agung (MA) dan Kemenkumham mengundang agar semua organisasi profesi advokat untuk kembali dalam satu wadah," kata Buyung.

Minggu, 10 Juni 2012

Bicara Soal Seminar

Annyeong Haseyo... ^^ jiahahah, admin gaya-gayaan pake bah
asa korea, maklum lah admin lagi demam korean wave nih, apa tuh artinya, cari tau sendiri lah :P

nah, disini admin mau share resume hasil seminar kemarin, sabtu 08 juni 2012 di aula kampus.
nah, siapa yang kemarin ga ikutan seminar, mana suaranyaaa ^^
admin seneng kemarin, pembicaranya bagus nih, ga bikin bosen dah, gokil juga, kocak pokonya, admin aja sampai sakit perut gara-gara kocaknya tuh narasumber, tapi terlepas dari itu semua, memang pembicaranya menyampaikan materi yang bagus, fariatif dan tidak membosankan untuk didengar selama tiga jam itu.

apa sih yang kemarin dibahas di seminar !!!
nah, kemarin seminar membahas tentang SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT, pada tau kan artinya apa ??? yup... betul artinya pengermbangan system. (admin nyontek dari fotokopian kemaren) kik...kik...kik...

jadi intinya yang admin tangkep kemarin dari penyampaian seminar itu adalah, kalau kita bisa program java dan oracle, kerjaan gampang (nah... ini admin nangkepnya cuma segitu doang) maklum lagi sumeng masalah tugas akhir. kek...kek...kek...

tapi berdasarkan hasil catatan admin, ini nih yg admin tulis :
Coder - Work hard
Programmer - Worksmart

IT bukan menjual software lagi, tapi menjual jasa
tapi intinya sama aja ( yg ikut seminar pasti ketawa.hahahah

Suasana Ruang Seminar

untuk resumenya admin kasih segitu aja deh, kalau sama nanti masa sekelas sama semua resumenya, hahahah. tapi resume bisa dari fotokopian kemarin materinya, intinya sama aja.
ok... kalin ini cukup dulu nulisnya, admin mau langsung nonton euro. Spanyol vs Italia, emmm...admin mau dukung spanyol deh, ayo kalian dukung apa ?... awas jangan pada taruhan, dosa itu tak boleh, ingat kata bang haji rhoma irama judi itu, kik...kik...kik...

Bye ^^

Jumat, 01 Juni 2012

^^Saat-saat bersama kelompok sembilan ^^

nih dia nih, datang lagi admin yang satu ini, emmm... emang disini cuma ada satu admin, ga tau admin yang lain pada kemana den, ga pernah posting, sibuk ngurusin tugas akhir kayanya. hahahahahah
meskipun kami sibuh nih ya (curcol) di sela-sela kesibukan kami ini, kami menyempatkan diri untuk berkumpul bersama ngerjain nih tugas, nah... lagi asik-asiknya ngerjain tugas, ada aja nih biang narsis yang minta di foto, tapi sayang nih foronya cuma sedikit, soalnya kalau banyak foto yang ada nanti tugasnya ga kelar-kelas,hahahahah. nih sedikit kita akan berbagi foto.

kalau liat foto ini nih, expresinya pada sesuatu banget gitu, hahahahah
thanks nih buat bang apri dut yang sudah memberikan waktunya yang berharga buat fotoin kita.
(maklum nih yg fotoin aga terpaksa) hahahahahahah
tampang-tampang mahasiswa-mahasiswi galau, hahahah (admin di keroyok)
ada satu lagi nih fotonya, cekidot...

hahahahha, ini fotonya dadakan, jadi expresinya seadanya gitu deh >_< (ampun... admin jangan dikeroyok)
Neng Dwi Expresinya sesuatu banget dah, prikitiwwwwwwwwwwwww  ^_^
Bang Lay Togay, jiahahahahahah... si abang sadar kamera banget dah ah >,<
Pak Aji sama Neng Cicil mah serius aja ngerjainnya, cemungud yahhh... kik...kik...kik...
Neng Hesti, pura-pura ga sadar kalau lagi di foto, padahal mah tau, tuh ketawa buktinya, hahahaha ^,^v
Nah kalau itu manusia berdua (nunjuk-nunjuk 2 orang yg duduk depan mobil), biarin aja dah itu siapa, ga penting itu, numpang exis aja biar mukanya bisa diposting ke blog ini, hahahah (admin di getok bang apri & bang aan).
segitu dulu ah share fotonya, admin mau nerusin kerjaan admin (benerin genteng bocor)
bye...bye... tringgggggggggg (menghilang ala jin botol)


Sweet Holiday

I am happy because I met you
I dream because I met you
I laugh whenever I see you
Perhaps this is love
From the first time I saw you, Stop my heart
Wondering if this is a dream, Fall in love
My beating heart, Oh my girl
This is love.

I wonder how to confess
if you've found out about my feeling
if you think the same as me
Everyday I`m thinking of you
Our very own Sweet Holiday

I'll get closer you, Step by step
I'll confess to you, Oh pretty girl
If we are together, Oh I`m okay
This is love

When I see you in my dream every night,
When my heart beats fast looking at you,
When we fell asleep with our hands held tight
You and I belong together
Our very own Sweet Holiday

naega meorireul sseureo neomgilddae
dwil su eobnun geol neukkyeo gasumi ddwine
mueotinji arisonghande
hwaksilhi What a wonderful Girl
hansido gamanitji anko useo
cheongukboda jogeum deo
better than this uh
nareul bichwo jom deo Sweet girl Good my girl

I am happy because I met you
I dream because I met you

When I see you in my dream every night,
When my heart beats fast looking at you,
When we fell asleep with our hands held tight
You and I belong together
Our very own Sweet Holiday

I wonder if you think the same as me
Oh oh no

Just Please

do you know this song is for you
the most incredible baby, ya heard

just please know why my heart is beating for you
just fix what is inside my shadowed mind
i can't live without you don't leave me alone
baby, listen to me grawling

this song's for you, dear miss
it's a tale of painful love
from the codename
i'm containing a dizzy chain
that is what? i couldn't do it cause of myself
i was so sick and sick, couldn't handle it myself
i thought she and i were the bonnie and clyde
laugh at me or heal me and wanna know what i'm singing
just thanks

i woke up with the sudden notion
and i can't get out of my compunction
even if i knew how you feel
now, how you feel setting such a line of action
every time i hear your voice
just staring at the overcast blue sky

from the beginning to the termination
i stand on my silly position
should i ask you for your remission
i'm thinking like that and exploration
cause my mind is not so fine
why don't you come into my mind
hey please listen to my rhyme
so you can look into my life
all of this is not imaginations
i can feel my heart go down
can someone relax my mind my mind

just please know why my heart is beating for you
just fix what is inside my shadowed mind
i can't live without you don't leave me alone
baby, listen to me grawling

can you know that?
how do you think that
this way is the right way? or go back
it reminds me not so bad
what can i do i thought she was my boo
but i'm good one day she will know my truth
just please my mind my mind is truth
i'm good so sorry my boo can you hear?

Let's Go Crazy

let's go crazy let's go crazy

i can feel the hit in my flesh and bone
i don't wanna be here on my own
might miss a chance turning every stone
a moment or two and it's gone

i only wanna play for fun
come let's get together every one
if you wanna know, stay till the end
i could be lover or friend

i'll be damned if i do
i'll be damned if i don't do too
i find a way to get through
that is you

let's go crazy you gotta show oh baby
let's go crazy go with the flow and maybe
not so hasty takin' it slow it's so easy and let us go crazy again

some of the days gonna pass you by
not always great and you don't know why
i will if you up till you touch the sky
cause i'm gonna make you fly

i'm gonna go break now i'm gonna uh go break now
i'm gonna go break now i'm gonna go uh uh uh woo

let's go crazy (crazy) baby let's go crazy (crazy)
oh baby let's go crazy (crazy)
it's so easy and let's go crazy again oh!

One of a Kind

On the floor, you're moving in a way I can't ignore
I'm in heat, I caught a glimpse and now I'm at your feet

I can't escape it, there's nowhere to hide
This feeling I got I can't deny
I don't know your name but It's all the same
Coz I can feel your heart and now I'm sure

Don't you know, there's nothing I can do, I gotta get to know you
I have to see this through I want it all
I gotta let you know, this feeling is so true
Coz I know that you're One of a kind
And I can't get you out of my mind

All alone, thought I was doing better on my own
Then you came, and now my life will never be the same no~no~

I can't escape it, there's nowhere to hide
This feeling I got I can't deny
I don't know your name but It's all the same
Coz I can feel your heart and now I'm sure

Don't you know, there's nothing I can do, I gotta get to know you
I have to see this through I want it all
I gotta let you know, this feeling is so true
Coz I know that you're One of a kind
And I can't get you out of my mind

What would you say if I was to walk up to you
Would you feel the same if I told you this feeling is true
I wonder what you would do

Don't you know, there's nothing I can do, I gotta get to know you

Don't you know, there's nothing I can do, I gotta get to know you
I have to see this through I want it all
I gotta let you know, this feeling is so true
Coz I know that you're One of a kind
And I can't get you out of my mind


You dig inside my just like Tattoo
You took half of me just like Tattoo
Even in your scent that passed me by
In your speech
is my tattoo with my bones embedded.

Your warm heat that you left behind
digs into my heart/
This night is darker than usual,
and my heart is burning.

Your motion that seem to drive me crazy
Your motion that seem to brush against me
No matter how much I try to erase it,
Your motion is stuck like a tattoo.

Keep on (I wanna keep on)
Keep on (on and on and on)
Keep on (???)
Keep on (I wanna keep on)
Keep on (on and on and on)
Keep on (???)

Can you leave me? I don't think I can forget you.
Disappear now oh from inside me

You are engraved inside my heart just like Tattoo
You are filled inside my head just like Tattoo
Even when I close my eyes, even when I scream
A tattoo called you just keeps getting bigger.

Your warm smile that you left behind come seeping into my head

Your motion that seem like its burning
Your motion that seem to appear and then disappear
No matter how much I try to erase it
Your motion is contained inside my heart.

Keep on (I wanna keep on)
Keep on (on and on and on)
Keep on (???)
Keep on (I wanna keep on)
Keep on (on and on and on)
Keep on your tattoo

Your motion that seem to drive me crazy
Your motion that seem to brush against me
No matter how much I try to erase it,
Your motion is stuck like a tattoo.

Keep on (I wanna keep on)
Keep on (on and on and on)
Keep on (???)
Keep on (I wanna keep on)
Keep on (on and on and on)
Keep on your tattoo

Try Again Smile Again

More, Bigger halls and albums.
Don't lose my first intention.
I never lose myself everyday
More, bigger home and bling-blings we got more concentration.
I never lose myself everyday.
I can get pressures at times but I am strong and I try to sing all night.
I don't like same songs, and I don't like same sounds
I Just love to try all night
I'm gonna Try again Try again Back again Try it all night I never give up forever
Try again Try again Back again Time to try I want to try to show all night

More, Bigger car and concert.
Don't lose first my big passion
I never lose myself everyday
More bigger world and listeners We do more gig in many nation
I never lose myself everyday.
I can get pressures at times
but I am strong and I try to sing all night.
I don't like same songs, and I don't like same sounds
I Just love to try all night
I'm gonna Try again Try again Back again Try it all night I never give up forever
Try again Try again Back again Time to try I want to try to show all night
Smile again Smile again back again Back again Smile all night
I'll never cry forever
Smile again Smile again back again
Time to smile I want to try to smile all night
I'm gonna Try again Try again Back again Try it all night I never give up forever
Try again Try again Back again Time to try I want to try to show all nigh

Dream Boy

That time when I was happy and used to dream
That time when I only had innocent dreams
I long for those times, I want to go back

That time when I became happy by just imagining
That time when I became the main character of a fairy tale
I long for those times, I want to go back

* Yes, let's jump toward the sky
I can be like Peter Pan
With my extended hand, I can touch the cloud
And ride it and fly

If I want, I can do it

I want to find my lost laughter
I want to catch my lost hope
I long for those times, I want to go back

If I want, I can do it

Should I wholeheartedly fall into the blue sea?
I can be like Marine Boy
As I sit on top of a great whale
I can be traveling

Wanna Be Like You

Let's make a run from all we know
We'll find a way and get back stronger again
Too many times I've wondered why
I feel ashamed only to be around

I'm living a lie, but trying to find away
out of this

I wanna feel i wanna bleed
I wanna live like there's no tomorrow
I wanna scream out in the night
I wanna make love like there's no tomorrow
I wanna be like you

Let's run away into the dark
We'll find a light and get back stronger again
I'll get around, I'll come around
I'll stay awake cause I am dying for more

Been living a lie, more than a lifetime
Now I see

I wanna feel i wanna bleed
I wanna live like there's no tomorrow
I wanna scream out in the night
I wanna make love like there's no tomorrow
I wanna be like you (x4)

I wanna feel i wanna bleed
I wanna live like there's no tomorrow
I wanna scream out in the night
I wanna make love like there's no tomorrow

I wanna feel i wanna bleed
I wanna live like there's no tomorrow
I wanna scream out in the night
I wanna make love like there's no tomorrow
I wanna be like you


I’ve always see you
Thank you for your gentle smile
I would like to tell you only this feeling of thankfulness for watching over me so far

Until now, I still can remember your gentle smile
You for reaching out your hands to me

So far until now thank you and thank you to you even now
The meaning of moving forward I can understand it now
Until now thank you Thank you for your smile

I’ve always think of you
Thank you for your words to me
I just want to say this feeling of thankfulness to you
For always staying by my side

Until now I still can remember the hidden meaning of this words

So far until now thank you and thank you to you even now
The meaning of moving forward I can understand it now

Thank You Thank You Thank You

To overcome my weakness, I’m singing right here now

I’ve always see you
Thank you for your gentle smile

~ ra ra ra~

Thank You Thank You Thank you for your smile
To overcome my weakness, I’m singing right here now

Thank You Thank You Thank You
To overcome my weakness, I’m singing right here now

To overcome my weakness, I’m singing right here now

Thank you to you

Hight Fly

Dream the same dream. That’s what I was taught. Live believing that it’s the right answer
Watch the tv re-runs. Like a recorded tape. Everything becoming the same color

Why why Why always want the same answer? Why why
Why always say you want to live the same life~~

# High high fly up high High high look at the world
I have not seen all of the world
High high jump up high. Run to the world
It’ll be one moment of the time i’ve spent in this long life

A car is square and Banana is yellow. Always the same look
All man wear pants. Woman wear skirt. Always do things only as told

Why why always want the same answer
Why why always say you want to live the same life~~

What’s so urgent? Why so busy? Is life only about a fixed timetable?

I wanna fly fly fly freely. Fly fly fly with all my might
Unfold your hidden dream
Fly fly fly up to the sky. Fly fly even fly higher
Don’t speak slowly, we have to speak louder of our dreams

Black Flower

Those passionate words
that whispered 'I love you'
turn cold like an ice,
step on my everything more cruelly than strangers,
and leave me.
Since you gave me love,
is it right for me to be in pain
when you give me the good bye as well?

Look back at me at at then,
Look at those black flowers
that bloomed from your cruelty,
away from your cold glare hidden inside a mask
in this twisted world.
Look at your deceived love that only looked white.

You say you love me like crazy
and then you say you hate me like crazy,
Did your burning love
become a reason to hate over night?
Since you gave me love,
is it right for me to be in pain
when you give me the good bye as well?

Look back at me at at that time,
Look at those black flowers
that sprouted from your cruelty,
away from your cold glare hidden inside a mask
in this twisted world.
Look at your deceitful love that only looked white.

Go Go Don't look back
Go Go I no longer
want you. How you end this,
you saying sorry because you weren't good to me,
your temperamental heart,
your unpredictable love,
I'm sick of it all.

Try crying sometimes then,
open up my bursting heart
towards your sad face, your smile,
and erase the black flowers that bloomed in your pretense.
Your deceitful love that seemed to last forever.

Look back at me at at that time,
Look at those black flowers
that sprouted from your cruelty,
away from your cold glare hidden inside a mask
in this twisted world.
Look at your deceitful love that only looked white.

I Don't Know Why

I think about you a lot take care I wanna do
and I wish I think about you all the time my life.
I think about you a lot take care, do you wanna do?
of course I know your situation backwards too

See my eyes, (in my eyes) see my lips (in my lips), See my face
I would like to know what you really think I wanna

I don't know why I don't know why I love you baby
I don't know why I don't know why how to put it baby. I don't know how to do

Long time no see anything new down your way can hear this
She is not fussed about my news I don't care I'm understand
Long time no see anything new down your way can hear this
She is not fussed about my news would you mind look at me boo

I think about you a lot take care I wanna do
and I wish, don't be silly she is popular.
I think about you a lot take care, do you wanna do?
everyday I want you in my life all about you

See my eyes, (in my eyes) see my lips (in my lips), See my face
I would like to know what you really think I wanna

I don't know why I don't know why I love you baby
I don't know why I don't know why how to put it baby. I don't know how to do

Long time no see anything new down your way can hear this
She is not fussed about my news I don't care I'm understand
Long time no see anything new down your way can hear this
She is not fussed about my news would you mind look at me boo

in my eyes in my lips, See my face
I would like to know what you

Never too Late

U said me why you live so boring it maybe so right, didn't denial
I wanna make a time to seek me alone just I wanna keeping on my step
you come up in front of me I wonder in my eyes
I know that how wonder brilliant things are in my life

it makes me changed all because I have a dream that is a song for U
I can a sing a song till to the end

If I can't meet u still, forever
I don't know what will be happen to me now
I know that it something mos timportant now yes that is you
even if i slow compared with other one, it doesn't matter anymore to me
it is a timely encounter of destiny its never to late

I say u listen to my breathing
it is a belief of dreaming yeah certainly
I won't be I'm in the past anymore. Former trivial every day
was practice of the purpose which can meet you all
I wanna shout and unbearable to the anymore.

it make me changed all because I have a dream that is a song for U
I can a sing a song till to the end

If I can't meet u still, forever
I don't know what will be happen to me now
I know that is something mos timportant now yes that is you
even if late compared with other one, it doesn't matter
anymore to me it is a timely encounter of destiny
its never too late


Lost yet in pursuit
I finally touch the vague
outline of your heart

Your youthful vulnerability is like
A shimmering mirage
My outstretched hand grasps emptiness No No!!
The rippling waves at my back, the misty streets
No matter how unstable the swing

The voice I raise to the skies is carried on the wind
My beam will be your inspiration
If my intimate hopes and unfailing thoughts
Reach you and resound
Our story begins here and now

If our chance meeting is a miracle
To feel the distinct sensation of
that half-remembered warmth again Go Go!!

Let us match our gazes and indrawn sighs
Towards a never-ending future

The overlapping sounds become words
It doesn't matter even if they are nothing but cheap phrases
My intimate hopes and unfailing thoughts
Reside within my heart
Our story that begins here and now

Beyond the tears lies a not too distant tomorrow
Let's you and I welcome it together
Because even the dreams we left behind
will emerge from the depths of darkness

The voice I raise to the skies is carried on the wind
My beam will be your inspiration
If my intimate hopes and unfailing feelings
Reach you and resound
Our story begins here and now

I Will Forget You

I will...forget you...

I will forget you. Starting today,
I don't know you. I have never seen you.
We never even walked pass eachother.
I'm okay. I forgot everything. I'm happy with my busy life.
I've met a great person too.

Love is always like this. It fades away after some time.
Can't even remember it, Oh.

# When love goes away, another love comes again. It definitely will.
Even if it hurts now, it will hear a little later.
It will forget. I will too.

It's not difficult. I will forget everything after today.
I'm just getting used to my changed life. Oh~ No.

Love is always like this. It fades away after some time.
Can't even remember it. Yes~

I will erase everything.
I definitely will.

When love goes away, another love comes again. It definitely will.
Even if tears fall now, I will smile a little later.
I will (now) forget you (now). Just like a wound heals...
I will. I will. I will forget you.

Ready and Go

Wassup you guys
Do you wanna play?
Are you ready CNBLUE?
We're so hungry for something
Microphone check up
Ok let's go

Hey babe It's rainy day
I can see the road in the rain
I have long sword
Makes me stronger

I'm not weak man
I will go to the world
I don't need any more word
I seem to have set a trend

Cause you're my love
Just please your voice put your hands up to me
Cause you're my love
Just please your voice put your Thumbs up to me
big stage a lot of fans how what you to look at me
I'm searching for the light you can get the light you can get our whole life

I want you to look at me look at me be with me be with me
Please show me the light
I want you to look at me look at me be with me be with me
you are my everything

If you give me the truth
I'll show you
Let's wait until the final round

If you wait for me
I'll show you
I just wanna show everyday

hey babe it's sunny day but
I also run away
tic toc don't wanna waste the time
I wanna keep on

I'm not weak man
I will go to the world
I don't need any more word
be your leader
We will do and many fans

Cause you're my love
Just please your voice put your hands up to me
Cause you're my love
Just please your voice put your Thumbs up to me
big stage a lot of fans
I'll show you makes me stronger
How what you to what

I want you to look at me look at me be with me be with me
Please show me the light
I want you to look at me look at me be with me be with me
you are my everything

If you give me the truth
I'll show you
Let's wait until the final round

If you wait for me
I'll show you
I just wanna show everyday

I got your love and
I saw your eyes you
looked at me and smiled at me sometimes
when I sing my songs you say
"I can feel your emotion I wanna feel”

I want you to look at me look at me be with me be with me
Please show me the light
I want you to look at me look at me be with me be with me
you are my everything

If you give me the truth
I'll show you
Let's wait until the final round

If you wait for me
I'll show you
I just wanna show everyday
I just wanna show everyday

Y, Why...

I know I’ve fallen in love. The day you came to me
was like a dream painted in grey.
I wanna tell you some, what I say with my heart
Wanna love you I wanna hold you, only my drunken confession.

Hiding where you can't see me.
I only shout the words that you cannt hear. I love you.
This short phrase is too difficult for me. I can't even open my mouth.
'I love you' this short phrase is too much for me. I cannot breath.

(Rap) When you give me 1, Girl, I will give you 100.
When I see your red lips, my silent breath purrs with my innocence,
and my heartbeat that feels like its about to explode
strike a message to my ear. Baby I love you indeed.
I send you a message: I can’t see it any teardrop in on your face, girl
I love you, only this.

Fearing you'll know if our eyes meet,
I only look away at the sky. I love you.
This short phrase is too difficult for me. I can't even open my mouth.
'I love you' this short phrase is too much for me. I cannot breath.

Come to me. See my eyes. I want you too.
My eyes tell you truth I wanna live in your life

This short phrase is too precious to me.
If you tell me 'I love you,' this one phrase out of anything in the world,
I will be happy.

Love Revolution

Love message calls me.
Your sweet scent stirs my heart.
When you are lying beside me, when you are sleeping in my arms,
When I feel you breath, I want you in my life.

My song for you, my Juliet.
I hear your sweet voice everyday.
When your two eyes look at me, when you smile at me.
My heart just STOP

I want a you in my life (To you, my love) You are like the air in my life (I will give you my everything)
I want a you in my life (I only ask one thing of you) I want to breath with you everyday (Smile Always)
You are fresh like a vitamin when I'm tired. You are like mom's embrace when I'm sick.
You in my life (I will hug you tight.) I love you, Forever

You are a gift from Heaven. You are my treasure.
I'm a fool that knows nothing but you.
You are my Guardian Angel. I can't live without you.
I will never leave you. I want a you in my life.
My gift for blessed you.
I am your Holy Water. I am your player.
I'm going to go to the edge of the Earth. START.

I want a you in my life (To you, my love) You are like the air in my life (I will give you my everything)
I want a you in my life (I only ask one thing of you) I want to breath with you everyday (Smile Always)
You are fresh like a vitamin when I'm tired. You are like mom's embrace when I'm sick.
You in my life (I will hug you tight.) I love you.

As long as you are with me where ever, I will never give up/
You raise me up with the love's electricity.
I will find my dream even in slow steps.
(One two three four)

I want a you in my life. I want to kiss you on your cheek.
(My love, I will give you my everything. I only ask one thing of you. Smile always)
I want a you in my life. I hope you know how I feel.
(My love, I will give you my everything. I only ask one thing of you. Smile always)
You are fresh like a vitamin when I'm tired. You are like mom's embrace when I'm sick.
You in my life (I will hug you tight) I love you forever.
Do you know?

One Time

I don’t know Why I’m here but baby even though we fail It’s worth
I know You know It is all about my music

Music Changes our life in the dark so I can change your thoughts
I know You know Your life is also the same Music that is my boo

Boom Boom tap
Boom Boom tap
Step by step by hum
you don’t care

I just like mic quitter bass drum
kick snare
Check up the one day
Four mans walked on street
In my dream
What bad at he time may actually

Be a blessing I just keep on
keep keep keep
It keep it keep it real

Everywhere we want to go
Everywhere you want to go
One time one time
We could feel tired at one time

I don’t care about it either
Give me a few more minutes
One time one time
I’ll show you what I can be the top of the world

I don’t know much about the music
Even thought we fail it’s worth
I know you know It is all about my music

That changes our life with the
change of seasons you also change the life
I know you know
your life is also the same music that is my boo

Boom Boom tap
Boom Boom tap
Everyday Everywhere
we we will do
How we do? Just keep it real
That is our spirit We need to heal

One way only one way
I had nothing on except for my socks
But I’ll show you everything and I make you
We We We We We
We make you high

Everywhere we want to go
Everywhere you want to go
One time one time
We could feel tired at one time

I don’t care about it either
Give me a few more minutes
One time one time
I’ll show you what I can be the top of the world

What What What
I can do it look at me Slow down and down
What What What
Can’t stop I’m ready
I will do relax your mind
What What What
I can do it look at me Show down and down

Are you ready (yes sir)
Let’s go to the world
Ready (yes sir)
Top of the world

Everywhere we want to go
Everywhere you want to go
One time one time
We could feel tired at one time

I don’t care about it either
Give me a few more minutes
One time one time
I’ll show you what I can be the top of the world

Everywhere we want to go
Everywhere you want to go
One time one time
We could feel tired at one time

I don’t care about it either
Give me a few more minutes
One time one time
I’ll show you what I can be the top of the world
Top of the world
Top of the world

Teardrops in The Rain

i wish upon a star i wonder where you are
i wish you're coming back to me again
and everything's the same like it used to be

i see the days go by and still i wonder why
i wonder why it has to be this way
why can't i have you here just like it used to be

i don't know which way to choose
how can i find a way to go on
i don't know if i can go on without you oh

even if my heart's still beating just for you
i really know you are not feeling like i do
and even if the sun is shining over me
how come i still freeze?
no one ever sees no one feels the pain
i shed teardrops in the rain

i wish i could fly i wonder what you say
i wish you're flying back to me again
hope everything's same like it used to be

i don't know which way to choose
how can i find a way to go on
i don't know if i can go on without you oh

even if my heart's still beating just for you
i really know you are not feeling like i do
and even if the sun is shining over me
how come i still freeze?
no one ever sees no one feels the pain
i shed teardrops in the rain

oh... i shed teardrops in the rain
oh.. hey.. teardrops in the rain

사랑 빛

when i look at you my face gets red
when i see you my heart goes thump thump
i talk with shyness like a kid
when i look at you i just smile out of nowhere
like a fool I keep doing that
I think love came to me

You’re the president of my heart
You’re my chests’ star embroider
I’m Genie for you girl
You make me stop breathing
whatever you want
because i love you
There’s no reason for my love you know

you’re a darling
you’re more beautiful than the stars above in the night sky
the shining thing deep inside my heart
my own love light

i love you darling
give me light next to me whenever
every night i look at you
and you’re beautiful even when i look at you
you’re my love light

when i see you i feel like im up on the clouds
it may be immature but i keep doing this
i tihnk love came to me

you’re a darling
you’re more beautiful than the stars above in the night sky
the shining thing deep inside my heart
my very own love light

i love you darling
give me light next to me whenever
every night i look at you
and you’re beautiful even when i look at you
you’re my love light

you’re lovely
you’re mroe blinding than the sunlight up in that sky
you shine the dark places inside my heart
my own love light

i love you lovely
even if i close my eyes i see you
looking at you like this
you’re still blinding even when i see you
you’re my love light

Don't Say Goodbye

I don't know how to live without you.
I don't know how to breath in life.
tell myself I'd stop everyday knowing that I won't Because of you Because of you.
It's the truth I don't know how to sleep without you.
I don't know how to fix my heart.
tell myself I'd stop everyday knowing that I won't.
even if I did I don't know, If I'd try
Do I wanna believe you think the same.

I am missing you.
And I want you believe same love as me.
I am missing you You've given me your one last Adios, but why do I still wanna believe.
I don't know I'm missing you in good time, Don't say good bye.
I don't know how to smile without you.
I don't know how to wait for you.
tell myself I'd stop everyday knowing that I won't.
Even if all the things were true, If I'd try.
Do I wanna believe you think the same.

I am missing you.
And I want you believe same love as me.
I am missing You you've given me your one last Adios, but why do I still wanna believe.
I don't know I'm missing you in good time, Don't say good bye.
I don't wanna say good bye I don't wanna say good bye I don't wanna tell a lie for love I'll be your love.
Now I wanna believe you think the same.

I'm missing you.
And I want you to come and give me your love.
I'm missing you You've given me your one last Adios, but now I believe your true mind.
Now I know I'm missing you whole time, Don't say good bye


Wind blew your tears, and the seasons have changed
Release all, that was left here, the fragments of painful memories

Release all, that was left here, I just pretend to be strong
I know this is goodbye

About loving each other too (that side profile)
The tomorrow that we once used to talked about (thin fingertips)
There is a future that does not come

Love also has disappeared, the heart has disappeared, and those precious days of love too
And it is repeating, just telling lies, always

Erasing your name and it will begin again, surely
Erasing and erasing it again, all of it

Release all that was left here, I just pretend to be strong
I know this is goodbye

About loving each other too (that side profile)
The tomorrow that we once used to talked about (thin fingertips)
There is a future that does not come

Flowing tears, enduring tears, the repeated days too
Broken and broken again, I want to be stronger, more

Crying and more crying, tomorrow will be fine, surely
Crying until tears are dry

About loving each other too (that side profile)
The tomorrow that we once used to talked about (thin fingertips)
There is a future that does not come

Towards and walking forward, keep shining, always
Forget and forgetting all, you will be fine, certainly

Erasing and erasing me, the days when we loved each other, all of it
Toward and walking forward, I will not forget you, always